It is an Anxious time.
I don't want to add to the noise, I want to give you something practical you can use NOW.
Every aspect of modern life creates a perception of being under visceral attack, and can scatter the mind- even when we are relatively safe in the moment. What we can do is improve our physical organization in order to carry on and stay healthy. Breathing is the link between the mind and body and the fastest route to improving our mental and physical state.
This is a short video on breath work that helps manage feelings of anxiety and flight/flight. These practices come from yoga and combative martial arts (Systema). They work well stand alone, as well as together.
Burst Breathing
For when we tend to hold our breath
To saturate and reset our breathing pattern
Box Breathing
For uneven or strained breathing (usually on exhale)
To even out our inhale and exhale
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Pratiloma Ujjayi)
For a scattered or jumpy mind
To focus the mind and link it to the breath & body