Seeking the pinnacle of health through self-care and self-cultivation

the Definition of Yoga

The goal of yoga as outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is ‘The ability to direct the mind exclusively in a single direction and sustain that direction without any distractions’ and by doing this we learn to act authentically and appropriately from our own unique perspective.

The word yoga quite literally means ‘to yoke’ or ‘to join’. Therefore, Yoga is the study of relationship: to our bodies, our minds, and to the people and environment around us.

By observing our patterns using yoga practices we can improve our health and every aspect of our lives and discover that which makes each of us unique.

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Therapeutic Yoga Teachings in the Lineage of T. Krishnamacharya /TKV Desikachar.

This lineage is a classical, balanced, individualized approach to all 8 limbs of yoga.

Yoga doesn’t require strenuous exercise or any prerequisites. Yoga is for everyone regardless of limitation. What we would cover would depend on your interests and needs.

What is taught in Yoga:

  • All 8 Limbs

    • (Yama) Social Observances

    • (Niyama) Personal Observances

    • (Asana) Physical Practices

    • (Pranayama) Breathing Practices

    • (Pratyahara) Discipline of the Senses

    • (Dharana) Concentration

    • (Dhyana) Meditation

    • (Samahdi) Integration

  • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (Yoga Philosophy)

  • Vedic Chanting

Pasquale Antonio holds a RYT-500 certification through The Yoga School NY.